CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 15
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 15 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-10].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1995, 1996, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
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Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
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all copies.
/* gximage.h */
/* Internal definitions for image rendering */
/* Requires gxcpath.h, gxdevmem.h, gxdcolor.h, gzpath.h */
#include "gsiparam.h"
#include "gxcspace.h"
#include "strimpl.h" /* for siscale.h */
#include "siscale.h"
#include "gxdda.h"
#include "gxsample.h"
/* Define the abstract type for the image enumerator state. */
typedef struct gx_image_enum_s gx_image_enum;
* Incoming samples may go through two different transformations:
* - For N-bit input samples with N <= 8, N-to-8-bit expansion
* may involve a lookup map. Currently this map is either an
* identity function or a subtraction from 1 (inversion).
* - The 8-bit or frac expanded sample may undergo decoding (a linear
* transformation) before being handed off to the color mapping
* machinery.
* If the decoding function's range is [0..1], we fold it into the
* expansion lookup; otherwise we must compute it separately.
* For speed, we distinguish 3 different cases of the decoding step:
typedef enum {
sd_none, /* decoded during expansion */
sd_lookup, /* use lookup_decode table */
sd_compute /* compute using base and factor */
} sample_decoding;
typedef struct sample_map_s {
sample_lookup_t table;
/* If an 8-bit fraction doesn't represent the decoded value */
/* accurately enough, but the samples have 4 bits or fewer, */
/* we precompute the decoded values into a table. */
/* Different entries are used depending on bits/sample: */
/* 1,8,12 bits/sample: 0,15 */
/* 2 bits/sample: 0,5,10,15 */
/* 4 bits/sample: all */
float decode_lookup[16];
#define decode_base decode_lookup[0]
#define decode_max decode_lookup[15]
/* In the worst case, we have to do the decoding on the fly. */
/* The value is base + sample * factor, where the sample is */
/* an 8-bit (unsigned) integer or a frac. */
double decode_factor;
sample_decoding decoding;
} sample_map;
/* Decode an 8-bit sample into a floating point color component. */
/* penum points to the gx_image_enum structure. */
#define decode_sample(sample_value, cc, i)\
switch ( penum->map[i].decoding )\
case sd_none:\
cc.paint.values[i] = (sample_value) * (1.0 / 255.0); /* faster than / */\
case sd_lookup: /* <= 4 significant bits */\
cc.paint.values[i] =\
penum->map[i].decode_lookup[(sample_value) >> 4];\
case sd_compute:\
cc.paint.values[i] =\
penum->map[i].decode_base + (sample_value) * penum->map[i].decode_factor;\
/* Decode a frac value similarly. */
#define decode_frac(frac_value, cc, i)\
cc.paint.values[i] =\
penum->map[i].decode_base + (frac_value) * penum->map[i].decode_factor
* Declare the variable that holds the 12-bit unpacking procedure
* if 12-bit samples are supported.
extern sample_unpack_proc((*sample_unpack_12_proc));
* Define the interface for routines used to render a (source) scan line.
* If the buffer is the original client's input data, it may be unaligned;
* otherwise, it will always be aligned.
#define irender_proc(proc)\
int proc(P6(gx_image_enum *penum, const byte *buffer, int data_x,\
uint w, int h, gx_device *dev))
typedef irender_proc((*irender_proc_t));
* Define 'strategy' procedures for selecting imaging methods. Strategies
* are called in the order in which they are declared below, so each one may
* assume that all the previous ones failed. If a strategy succeeds, it may
* update the enumerator structure as well as returning the rendering
* procedure.
* Note that strategies are defined by procedure members of a structure, so
* that they may be omitted from configurations where they are not desired.
#define image_strategy_proc(proc)\
irender_proc_t proc(P1(gx_image_enum *penum))
typedef image_strategy_proc((*image_strategy_proc_t));
typedef struct gx_image_strategies_s {
image_strategy_proc_t interpolate;
image_strategy_proc_t simple;
image_strategy_proc_t fracs;
image_strategy_proc_t mono;
image_strategy_proc_t color;
} gx_image_strategies_t;
extern gx_image_strategies_t image_strategies;
/* Define the distinct postures of an image. */
/* Each posture includes its reflected variant. */
typedef enum {
image_portrait = 0, /* 0 or 180 degrees */
image_landscape, /* 90 or 270 degrees */
image_skewed /* any other transformation */
} image_posture;
/* Define an entry in the image color table. For single-source-plane */
/* images, the table index is the sample value, and the key is not used; */
/* for multiple-plane (color) images, the table index is a hash of the key, */
/* which is the concatenation of the source pixel components. */
/* "Clue" = Color LookUp Entry (by analogy with CLUT). */
typedef struct gx_image_clue_s {
gx_device_color dev_color;
bits32 key;
} gx_image_clue;
/* Main state structure */
#ifndef gx_device_rop_texture_DEFINED
# define gx_device_rop_texture_DEFINED
typedef struct gx_device_rop_texture_s gx_device_rop_texture;
struct gx_image_enum_s {
/* We really want the map structure to be long-aligned, */
/* so we choose shorter types for some flags. */
/* Following are set at structure initialization */
byte bps; /* bits per sample: 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 */
byte unpack_bps; /* bps for computing unpack proc, */
/* set to 8 if no unpacking */
byte log2_xbytes; /* log2(bytes per expanded sample): */
/* 0 if bps <= 8, log2(sizeof(frac)) */
/* if bps > 8 */
byte spp; /* samples per pixel: 1, 3, or 4 */
#ifdef DPNEXT
/* (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 if alpha is allowed) */
bool has_alpha; /* true if HasAlpha */
byte num_planes; /* spp if colors are separated, */
/* 1 otherwise */
byte spread; /* num_planes << log2_xbytes */
byte masked; /* 0 = [color]image, 1 = imagemask */
byte interpolate; /* true if Interpolate requested */
gs_matrix matrix; /* image space -> device space */
struct r_ {
int x, y, w, h; /* subrectangle being rendered */
} rect;
gs_fixed_point x_extent, y_extent; /* extent of one row of rect */
const gs_imager_state *pis;
const gs_color_space *pcs; /* color space of image */
gs_memory_t *memory;
gx_device *dev;
byte *buffer; /* for expanding samples to a */
/* byte or frac */
uint buffer_size;
byte *line; /* buffer for an output scan line */
uint line_size;
uint line_width; /* width of line in device pixels */
image_posture posture;
byte use_rop; /* true if CombineWithColor requested */
byte clip_image; /* mask, see below */
/* Either we are clipping to a rectangle, in which case */
/* the individual x/y flags may be set, or we are clipping */
/* to a general region, in which case only clip_region */
/* is set. */
#define image_clip_xmin 1
#define image_clip_xmax 2
#define image_clip_ymin 4
#define image_clip_ymax 8
#define image_clip_region 0x10
byte slow_loop; /* true if must use slower loop */
/* (if needed) */
byte device_color; /* true if device color space and */
/* standard decoding */
gs_fixed_rect clip_outer; /* outer box of clip path */
gs_fixed_rect clip_inner; /* inner box of clip path */
gs_logical_operation_t log_op; /* logical operation */
fixed adjust; /* adjustment when rendering */
/* characters */
fixed dxx, dxy; /* fixed versions of matrix */
/* components (as needed) */
gx_device_clip *clip_dev; /* clipping device (if needed) */
gx_device_rop_texture *rop_dev; /* RasterOp device (if needed) */
stream_IScale_state *scaler; /* scale state for */
/* Interpolate (if needed) */
/* Following are updated dynamically */
int y; /* next source y */
gs_fixed_point cur, prev; /* device x, y of current & */
/* previous row */
struct dd_ {
gx_dda_fixed_point row; /* DDA for row origin, has been */
/* advanced when render proc called */
gx_dda_fixed_point pixel0; /* DDA for first pixel of row */
} dda;
int line_xy; /* x or y value at start of buffered line */
int xi_next; /* expected xci of next row */
/* (landscape only) */
gs_int_point xyi; /* integer origin of row */
/* (Interpolate only) */
int yci, hci; /* integer y & h of row (portrait) */
int xci, wci; /* integer x & w of row (landscape) */
/* The maps are set at initialization. We put them here */
/* so that the scalars will have smaller offsets. */
#ifdef DPNEXT
sample_map map[5]; /* 4 colors + alpha */
sample_map map[4];
/* Entries 0 and 255 of the following are set at initialization */
/* for monochrome images; other entries are updated dynamically. */
gx_image_clue clues[256];
#define icolor0 clues[0].dev_color
#define icolor1 clues[255].dev_color
/* Enumerate the pointers in an image enumerator. */
#define gx_image_enum_do_ptrs(m)\
m(0,pis) m(1,pcs) m(2,dev) m(3,buffer) m(4,line)\
m(5,clip_dev) m(6,rop_dev) m(7,scaler)
#define gx_image_enum_num_ptrs 8
#define private_st_gx_image_enum() /* in gsimage.c */\
gs_private_st_composite(st_gx_image_enum, gx_image_enum, "gx_image_enum",\
image_enum_enum_ptrs, image_enum_reloc_ptrs)
/* Compare two device colors for equality. */
#define dev_color_eq(devc1, devc2)\
(gx_dc_is_pure(&(devc1)) ?\
gx_dc_is_pure(&(devc2)) &&\
gx_dc_pure_color(&(devc1)) == gx_dc_pure_color(&(devc2)) :\
gx_dc_is_binary_halftone(&(devc1)) ?\
gx_dc_is_binary_halftone(&(devc2)) &&\
gx_dc_binary_color0(&(devc1)) == gx_dc_binary_color0(&(devc2)) &&\
gx_dc_binary_color1(&(devc1)) == gx_dc_binary_color1(&(devc2)) &&\
(devc1).colors.binary.b_level == (devc2).colors.binary.b_level :\